READING 3b: Not understanding the Deaf person’s question
Many interpreters struggle to do a decent job in interpreting from ASL to spoken English. This is probably because they are working from their 2nd language to 1st language. By contrast, most spoken language interpreters are native users of the language that is being used by the individuals who “need” an interpreter. For instance, interpreters provided to support Spanish-speaking individuals are fluent in Spanish because it is usually their first language, having grown up in a Spanish speaking community. By contrast, ASL/English interpreters are more likely not to have ASL as their native language and learned ASL later in life. For this reason, very few ASL/English interpreters are well-equipped to do the ASL to spoken English work flawlessly. This kind of work is especially challenging for many newly minted interpreters as it takes many years of practice to reach the level of competency needed to do the job well.
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