A Sign of Respect: Strategies for Effective Deaf/Hearing Interactions
By Thomas K. Holcomb and Anna Mindess
This series of three interactive programs is designed to help ASL and Deaf Culture students become more comfortable and confident about attending Deaf community events.
- The first program is designed for students new to ASL and Deaf Culture.
- The second program is geared toward advanced and more experienced ASL students.
- The third program is available to support interpreting students as they get ready to graduate and begin their career as professional interpreters.
When students purchase the program they are automatically added to the instructor's class. The instructor's access is free and provides a dashboard with views of all the students' activities and exercises.
STUDENTS: Select one of the options below to begin using "A Sign of Respect" in your class:
Treehouse Video
Classifiers: A Closer Look Full Curriculum
By Patricia Lessard
NEW PRICING OPTIONS - including a FREE version* - are available now! Select the button below to learn more!
This curriculum embodies a highly acclaimed, revolutionary approach to teaching and learning the use of what are commonly called "Classifiers" in ASL.
Several semesters' worth of material for ASL and Interpreter Education is included. Select "Teachers" to learn more.
For the Student Workbook material used in the Full Curriculum, select "Students."
*Free for teachers with a requirement for students to purchase workbook programs.
Classifiers: A Closer Look Self Study Series for Interpreters
Based on the Full Curriculum, Patricia Lessard has developed a series of Self Study programs for certified interpreters to earn CEUs while brushing up their skills with classifiers (or perhaps learning more about them for the first time).
Each program contains a lecture, activities, exercises and in most cases interpreting practice material.
The programs are worth 0.5 Professional Studies CEUs, and are priced at $49 each (CEU processing included).
Want to try before you buy? Select the Free Mini Course to take an hour-long program worth 0.1 PS CEUs.
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