Classifiers: Full Curriculum
NEW PRICING OPTIONS! See below for more details.
TEACHERS: Click here for the Free Demo version.
STUDENTS: Click here to purchase Student Program/Workbooks online. Click here to redeem a pre-paid code.
by Patricia Lessard
Our best-selling, comprehensive curriculum for teaching visualization and classifier skills is now in its Third Edition. All the lab material is now accessible on any computer or device connected to the internet- including tablets! Teachers get free access to the material in all five units by logging in to their account on this website. Students gain access to a workbook pdf file and the interactive video lab material by purchasing a ten-month subscription for each unit used in their course.
This five-unit curriuculum contains enough material for at least four semesters of instruction. For colleges that have both an ASL and Interpreting component, this curriculum is an ideal way to bridge the two programs. Skills are introduced at a basic level for ASL instruction, followed by more complex texts for use in Interpreter Preparation Programs.
The Classifiers Full Curriculum is not available for sale through our webstore.
Click here to contact us when you are ready to choose one of the options below.
There are two options for using the curriculum:
This option contains:
– 568-page Instructor’s Manual in an online only format;
– for the length of your class, free online access to all the material in the curriculum, including videotexts, exercises, activities, games, tests and model lessons
– you must require your students to purchase the Student Program units you will use in your class (see pricing below).
OPTION 2 – $499.00
This option includes the following:
– 568-page printed set (along with online access) of the Instructor’s Manual divided into two volumes;
– permanent, unlimited free online access to all the material in the curriculum, including videotexts, exercises, activities, games, tests and model lessons for each faculty member in the purchaser’s program.
-no requirement to have students purchase Student Program units.
Bundle 1 – Units 1 and 2 – $14.95 for a ten month subscription
A typical ASL 1 class uses Units 1 and 2.
Bundle 2 – Units 3, 4 and 5 – $14.95 for a ten month subscription
A typical ASL 2 or intermediate to advanced class uses Units 3, 4 and 5.
Bundle 3 – All 5 units – $24.95 for a ten month subscription
An advanced ASL or Interpreting class will use all 5 units
Individual Units can be purchased for $10 each.
This is for customers who have purchased the curriculum in the past or are purchasing Option 2 for the first time and would like an additional set of the printed manuals.