About Us

The owner and founder of Treehouse Video, he has been working professionally with the Deaf community since 1977, when he was trained and certified as a sign language interpreter. Dan was an interpreter at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, New York, then at the University of California, San Francisco Center on Deafness where he designed several training productions. Dan completed the graduate program in Broadcast Communication Arts at San Francisco State University and in 1993 received the Master’s Hood for Outstanding Achievement. He created Treehouse Video in 1993 to partner with leading Deaf and hearing educators to use technology to help people communicate and learn, especially in the area of sign language and interpreting.
Why “Treehouse Video” ?
According to Dan: “In 1984 I was blessed with finding a fantastic small cottage to rent in the Corona Heights area of San Francisco. The owner of the property called the cottage his “treehouse.” This was where I grew personally and professionally. When I started my business in 1993 the name Treehouse Video just seemed to fit. Sadly, due to changes in ownership I had to leave the cottage after 24 years, but the spirit of creativity and discovery that dwelled in that space lives on at our new location in Pleasant Hill, California.”